Sunday, November 25, 2007

Open the Faucet


Oh, if we really would know what it means to communicate (to both talk and listen) to the God of the universe. He's so BIG, yet He is so tender and so desires us to long for His voice. He does speak and knows all things.

As I sat in the chair at church today we watched a video presentation for an upcoming event called One Thing. As the video started the screen showed a water faucet being turned on in the bathroom and then the water being used by a young lady to brush her teeth. As I sat there, God revealed that prayer is like a faucet. Get's the definition of a faucet: a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir. When we pray little, we open the faucet little and get little water in return. Oh Lord, I feel like this has been me. But when we open wide the faucet- an OUTPOURING of water rushes out. Yippee! God wants His reservoir to be poured out as we pray. Holy Spirit teach us how to pray- to seek first Your kingdom. To open up the faucet- and then that water allows cleansing to take place- as the gal brushed her teeth- or as we would drink from a cup.


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