Monday, November 12, 2007


So here to your left is my shampoo. As I'm washing my hair on Saturday I had some shampoo trickle into my eye. Man- I was aware that there was shampoo in my eye as it started to sting. I couldn't see and my first priority was to provide relief to my eye. So I doused it with water- got my washcloth to get that shampoo out. Then I started thinking of sin- the things that we do that go against God's way- and how this was a representation of just what happened to my eye. Sin- causes stinging, hurt and if it is not removed, not washed by the water of His Word, you will continue to hurt, you will continue to not see correctly which will affect your path. So if I continue to wash my hair, which I will :)- and you will too- hopefully ha, ha, if I do not change how I position my head, shampoo will continue to get in my eyes. I have to proactively change how I will position my head. Same is true with sin. How will we change so we won't be affected by the sting..... stick with me.....

So last night I went to see Jeremy Camp perform. What an amazing man of God- and a gifted voice. Well~ prior to going my sting started raring it's ugly head- my selfishness. Yuck!! Not wanting to drive- I begrudgingly headed to the car with ticket in hand and as I got in the car all of a sudden my ticket was gone. I thought I put it on top of my cupholder, but it was not there. Our group thoroughly searched looking high and low. I prayed- Holy Spirit help me. Then I confessed my attitude to my friends. I then remembered feeling a little piece of paper in the slight sliver of a space of paneling, which is right above my cupholder. I got out my flashlight and started peering. In the midst of all of the wiring there on the bottom ticket. I then tried getting tweezers and they were not long enough- my needle nose pliers would not fit on the side to grasp it. But my roommate then realized she could grasp it on her side and then ticket was in hand. So as I process with the LORD- I realize at times I do not want to give. I need to change the position of my head b/c this "shampoo" continues to get in my eyes. Oh Jesus, please forgive me of my selfishness. You have given me life. In Your Word it says- that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom to many. Oh Lord, I can't change me....Jesus Your Spirit lives inside of me- please help me to serve and be a gracious giver. You inspire me- because You ARE a gracious giver- so Gracious, You gave me Your life. But I desperately need Your help and grace to change. Plant Your Word deep inside of my heart- b/c it is alive and active!!!! and Your Word cleanses me!! In Jesus's mighty name, Amen


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