Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sprained ankle

In the midst of thick humidity, there was a fun little group (mostly friends from the Catholic church) gathered to play Ultimate Frisbee. We randomly divided into two groups- with it working out the shorter ones on one side and taller ones on the other. But, that didn't discourage us shorter ones :) More than half way through the game, somehow my ankle gave out and I landed on the outside of it with the result ending in me landing on my rump. I am so thankful that I could get up- I was concerned that I had really damaged it. It was slightly tender- I should have stopped playing, but I played a little more. This morning I got up and my ankle was slightly swollen and some pain associated with my ankle. As I contemplated this swelling, I was amazed again at how God has made our bodies. My mind doesn't need to know the specific ligaments that were affected and for me to call on certain cells for the repair to begin. I love that about our God. Then I was thinking about the body of Christ. Even last night as I gathered with people from another church, I do get pumped about unity. That the body of Christ is made up of many people, many races, many nations, many denominations, many different doctrines, but with the essential foundation that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the Savior for the world. Looking at my own body, how the body is made up of many parts- as I experienced an injury to my ankle therefore other cells were called upon to help with healing as evidenced with my swelling. I want that to be true of the body of Christ- where we see a need that we will help, we will build up, we will do what is necessary to bring restoration, so that the whole body won't experience pain and can function properly.


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