Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In a Battle

Have you ever gone through a day- where it's just been a really rough day? That after the day you feel like you've been in some kind of a battle. Of course, my days never come close to those who really fight in war. So, not so much a physical kind of battle- but a mental one. That was my day on Monday. Today, Tuesday- was quite pleasant, but it was strange how I was feeling the after effects of my battle. Then I was thinking about the armor of God. The only offensive weapon mentioned in the Word is the Sword of the Spirit. But in order to use the Sword- one must know God's Word to combat the mental battle or the circumstances that will arise. Monday I didn't use my sword- I didn't use my armor. So as I was thinking of someone in a battle who is not properly attired for battle; wounds are inevitable. If I wasn't using a sword in battle, or didn't have a breastplate- or was not using my shield from flaming missles, then of course there would be battle wounds. Funny as how I'm contemplating this right before Bible Study, and guess what we talked about? The Sword of the Spirit- I smiled as one of the ladies brings her son to Bible Study and guess what toy he brought along? His sword. Oh Lord, teach us how to use Your Sword to combat the one who seeks to devour us; that we might seek You and Your Strength.


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