Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mulch Day

Today was a major mulch day! Yesterday I was preparing for the mulch by pulling weeds. I love how God uses nature to show us parallels with our own lives. I think of the verse that talks about how God uses His Word, the Bible, which is represented as seed and depending upon the soil (rocky or weedy) is how we will grow. I was looking at some of my weeds in my flowerbeds yesterday. I noticed some tricky weeds as they were harder to see when it was closer to the flower or bush itself. I was thinking about how some weeds we don't see in ourselves when they are so close to our heart.

Then today I have some Golden Trivot bushes. Because of the late frost we had this spring, the bush for the longest time did not sprout any leaves. But the bush has started. However, the old limbs remained. So I began pruning. OK- I have to admit, I am starting to really like pruning. I was thinking how the Father calls Himself the vinedresser and how much He must like to prune us- to get rid of the dead limbs in us. Why do I like to prune, because my bush looks so beautiful afterwards. I think- this must be the Father's gratification as well to make us look beautiful. He wants to cut all those things that are not of Him- as I talked in my earlier post the things that are causing decay. Then I was thinking I have some pretty full bushes- but if I let them go- the bushes would look wild- limbs going here and there and everywhere. The bush needs defintion and shaping for its purpose- and I was thinking the same is true with us.


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