Monday, January 19, 2009


This morning I was reading from 1 Corinthians 13. Yes, the love chapter. Does it seem like you don't think about the famous chapters from the Bible or the verses. It's kind of like reciting the pledge of allegiance or singing the Star Spangled Banner- it's become rote and then you don't think about it. Well, it was good to go back to 1 Corinthians 13. It's all about Love! Love is amazing! I thought I'd share just a couple of insights. Love never fails. Wow~ you can never go wrong with loving! I love how the LORD defines love. You can never go wrong with being patient, being kind. Then I was looking at how love beareth all. After looking that word up in the Greek it means cover- like a roof! A roof provides protection- keeps out things like rain, birds, snow that shouldn't be in our home! Wow- God's love is a protection for us. Love covers a multitude of sin. So, when we love others it's a protection as well- loving God's way. Love doesn't equate to being a people pleaser- it's truth and grace; it's Jesus. Hopefully I will be writing again this week- my reminder to myself: shadows.....


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