Sunday, May 18, 2008

Timing of doors

So as many of you may already know I'm an occupational therapist who works with children 0-3 who have disabilities. The LORD teaches me through these little ones! The toddlers have a classroom which joins to the gross motor room. OK- the gross motor room, would make anyone run to it! In this room we have multiple swings, a ball pit, a teeter totter, a trapeeze bar, and a toy house, just to name some- who could want more??!!! So the last half hour of class the toddlers enjoy a yummy snack. After the snack, it's time to close up and sit back in circle where we all join in the song....Bye, Bye, Baby, Bye, Bye- a catchy tune- seriously. Well, one of the little girls after snack just couldn't control herself and went running to where else...the gross motor room! Her mama retrieved her to come back to circle and I closed the door. I realized how God closes doors at times of us. As I closed this door- it wasn't time to play in that room. The LORD will close doors for us- to prevent us from going certain places- as He is our Teacher- directing us in His perfect timing!

Then on the flip-side is the open door. So a little over a month ago at Bible Study (which is at my home), it was still cold out. Everyone put their coats in my front closet and we closed the door. Well, as people got their coats out- the door would NOT shut. It was sooo weird. So, one of the guys in my Bible Study who is a chemical engineer was looking at the door. I went inside my closet and he stood outside as we peered at the latch. The latch was totally off- quite bizarre as just minutes before it was fine. We fiddled with the knob- and there was no explanation- yes, there is reason for me mentioning his job title of engineer (these people can figure these things out!). But, I felt like the LORD was telling me then- Lynnster- I can open doors and NO ONE can close them- it may make no logical sense. I love that about my LORD.

So Lord, may we submit to Your perfect timing. You are an ON-TIME God. Jesus- I want You to go before me and Your children- to open doors for Your kingdom- to close doors- lead and guide us oh Shepherd. For You are my Shepherd I shall not want (the gross motor room- ha, ha!) You are trustworthy. Hallelujah! Jesus- because of You we have an open door always- where we can approach You boldly and receive grace in our time of need. Thank You!


Blogger Joe said...

And, may we accept the timing, as HE offers, not as we wish.

Great story, Lynn...thanks.

6:05 PM  

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