Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005 Highlights

Happy New Year!

I was wanting to post my highlights for 2005 in 2005, but that didn't quite happen. Highlights in 2005

1. Going to California with my brother for a spectacular wedding weekend! This was our first time in California and it was beautiful. I loved it and would love to go back. We got to see San Jose, Carmel, Monteray Bay and then it was back to Ohio and within about one week we were off to South Dakota....

2. South Dakota: Small group mission trip. We embarked on a mission trip in a 15 passenger van with 7 people. Very eye opening time, how some people are truly living. Seeing the condition of the Native American living was very sobering. We did construction work through Tree of Life Ministry working where we did lots of painting, texturizing using the texturizing machine, sanding, etc.

3. Florida- spring break 2005 Clearwater Beach Florida. Although it rained the majority of our trip and it was overcast, the Shelby Hills crew was determined to get at least one day of sun :) Swimming with the manatees was awesome. Highly recommend it- I'll have to do it again since I never did get to pet one.

More highlights to come....
4. Ohio State football games- thank you Mitsu, of course I think the #1 highlight game of the year was the nail-biting win over the arch nemisus Michigan. I celebrated the victory over at some friends' house, of which the owners where Michigan fans I'm sad to say.

5. Amazing Race Sidney Style: Since I've become addicted watching Amazing Race (from a high recommendation from my friend Mitsu), I thought it would be rather fun to create an afternoon race around Sidney Ohio. The race began at the Spot, a famous little diner here in Sidney- then onto the firestation where the teams had to choose between two tasks: rolling up firehose or performing a fireman fundamental (wearing firemen gear and commando crawling blindfolded on the floor following a hose, which divided into two and they had to find the one with the nozzle.) Washing cars or baking cookies, participating in a balloon toss, sorting Skittles, building tents, running around a track and finally ending the race at CJ Highmarks where the winners celebrated by eating a free meal!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about attending Ohio State football games?!?! - Mitsu

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Florida trip sounds wonderful! I hear the best way to get the best sun on cloudy days is to use the reflective sides of Capri Sun packs to "enhance" your sun exposure... try it... definitely a good idea... :)

2:39 PM  

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