Tuesday, March 18, 2008

God's Amazing Time

God's timing is amazing. Why, oh why Lynn do you fret? I feel like Jesus is the one talking to me- oh, you of little faith. I am saddened how I don't trust my Savior, when that is the very essence of His character- is trustworthy. His timing amazes me. So I have to talk about my first phyiscal therapy appt yesterday. When I initially scheduled it, it was to ensure that the ankle I sprained back in August would be ready for the half marathon in May. Well, after scheduling my appt- I had pulled my hamstring pretty good. I hadn't run for over a week allowing it to heal. Yesterday was my first day to run in awhile and I pulled it again- but perfect timing as I headed to my PT visit. What they found out is that my hips are out of alignment! Amazing. She manipulated my hips, gave me some exercises, and guess what- I'm stretching 5-6 times a day. I'm excited to write more about stretching and what the Lord will teach me through this! Thank You my Lord for Your super kindness towards me~!!! I'm so grateful- I love You!


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