Saturday, March 08, 2008

Stretching & Resting & Waiting

So, for you faithful readers, thanks to the snow I am on a roll again on my blog writing! Yesterday I was able to leave work one hour early, so off to the YMCA I went to get my running in. Approaching the door, what do I see but a sign saying the Y will be closing early and will be closed all of Saturday. According to my running schedule, Saturday was to be my 9 mile run day. So, I thought- okay, Lord, today will be the 9 mile day, or so I thought..... I start my run out on the treadmill, not the dreadmill as my pastor calls it- ha,ha. After mile 5 all of a sudden my knee felt a little weird and then a shooting pain ran down my right leg. Oh, yes, I recognized that area: my hamstring! I am very tight when it comes to my hamstring. I am a determined one and tried to continue to run some, but there really was no way. So I got off and strecthed. Due to my past ankle injuries I know the importance of rest! My nature wants to keep going- I don't want to lose progress, but the reality is I need to wait for healing.

Hosea 12:6 states "Therefore return to your God, observe kindness and justice and wait on your God continually." So I love looking up words in the Hebrew- check out the rich meaning of these words!!! Wait: to bind together (perhaps by twisting) to expect, gather, look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon)
Continually: from a root meaning to stretch, continuance, constant, the regular (daily) sacrifice- alway (s), continual (employment), daily, ever, perpetual

Then as I arrived home what is waiting for me but my newest addition of Runner's World. Guess what was in this issue? Injury Free 5 Fixes for Bad Running Habits. Intrigued I open it up and read this very enlightening information! Here it is: "Your muscles get the most befit from strecthing postrun. Ideally, you'd tack on a 15-minute flexibility routine to your workout...'You're not hurting your workout- you're enhancing it'..'the benefits of stretching will do your body more good than could be done by running that mile.' Wow- the importance of stretching....the importance of waiting CONTINUALLY!

Here's some more info from a runner's world website: When runners take on a training program, they focus on building endurance and speed. Improving their flexibility never seems to make it into the game plan. Yet, a flexible body is more efficient, sees more gains in strength and endurance, enjoys more range of motion, is less injury-prone, recovers more quickly, and simply feels better. When we stretch or lengthen our muscles, the area strecthed will fill with blood and oxygen, which repatterns the neurological pathways, restores muscles that have become torn, and realigns postural imbalances.

Yes LORD- truly help me to stretch, rest and wait spiritually and physically!
Isaiah 40:28-31


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