Sunday, March 19, 2006

Grace moments

- We may not know the future and what lies ahead, but we know the One who loves us and leads us for His good pleasure. Oswald Chambers (paraphrased).

Grace moments-

Yesterday I went to a wedding of a sweet couple who just make me smile. After the wedding I visited a friend of mine and went to church with her. The focus of this service was grace moments- looking at other people and seeing moments of grace. Grace can be a complicated word. I remember in college hearing that it meant unmerited favor- but the definition that I really like is the divine influence upon the heart that leads to a outward expression. Grace....last night Rob talked about an astounding showing of grace. A friend of his who has been married for three years experienced unfaithfulness from his wife. I think this may be one of the hardest experiences for a human being along with death of a loved one. This man chose to stay in relationship with his wife and gave her forgiveness as he told her that he loved her. That in and of itself is a grace moment. Then, he went and approached the other man and told him to please stay away from his wife- and proceeded to say that he wanted to tell him of his forgiveness of him and gave him a New Testament- what a divine influence upon the heart. Later that week a man came into see Pastor Rob and Rob asked if he could pray for him before they started talking. The man responded sure. As Rob began to pray, he knew that this was the man who had the extramarital affair with his friend's wife. He said- you're the one. This man realized his need for forgiveness and placed his faith in Christ. Grace...from God- not ourselves flowing through the husband, to this man, which bloomed into grace from God resulting in faith- forgiveness, eternal hope and lovingkindness. Grace...both an unmerited favor and a divine influence upon the heart resulting in a beautiful outward expression. Praise the LORD oh my soul, praise the LORD.


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