Thursday, February 23, 2006

polar opposites

Have you ever been around people who don't get along because they are too much alike? Or on the other hand when two people get together and you think- they are polar opposites? Let me give you an example: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broadrick. Now I have to say- I don't know anything about them, so this really is a poor example, but looking at them I would never picture them together. Feel free to comment if you know anything about them. I have to say, "yeah" because they are actually still married and in Hollywood that is a feat.

But then I was thinking about magnets- that when you do have the two positives together- man do they repel like crazy. OK- so we flip them to both negatives and again- wow do they repel like crazy. But then line them up with negative and positive and bam- they're together. I was thinking about that with our relationship to God. If we view ourselves the same as Him- if we exalt ourself i.e. pride- we're going to repel away from Him. But then I think of this verse in Isaiah, when Isaiah sees God face to face and he exclaims- woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips. He sees his need for God and bam- an angel of the Lord brings a burning coal and brings it to his lips and says your iniquity is taken away and your sin forgiven (they're now in relationship)- Then the voice of the Lord says, "Who shall we send and who will go for Us? And Isaiah says, "Here I am. Send me!" Polar opposites, such a strong magnet that cannot be broke apart. Praise God for His strong attraction in our lives- even though we might flip around, He never does.


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