Friday, May 12, 2006

Belly-achin' laugh

There's nothing quite like a belly-achin' laugh, seriously. I feel like this past week I have done more laughing than I have in quite awhile. Randomly I went out to eat with my roommate and my friend and coworker who will remain nameless for the upcoming story. So my friend tells of this story that happened at school that day. One of the little boys she sees is in a wheelchair and supposedly when he gets mad, he rocks his wheelchair which in turn releases his brakes, resulting in safety concerns. So, the wheelchair vendor came. Needless to say the things which normally make this little boy mad, did not happen this date. So, nameless girl and wheelchair vendor start- taking his walker away from him walking down the hall in attempt to make him mad; telling him he can't ride the bus; and this poor little guy starts to cry and never does get mad; then even more sad- it's his birthday. So in hearing this story- I'm stating this is horrible as I laugh so hard, so much so that my belly ached and I almost started to cry. The nameless girl said- she was doing this all out of the safety of the little boy- they were on a time crunch- it was about time to go home and worse yet there were parents coming to pick up their kids. More belly laughter erupts.
Disclaimer- the nameless girl is really caring- so that softens the story :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodmorning beautiful,
hope you have a great day filled with laughter!

7:58 AM  

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