Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sweet forgiveness

Do you ever have one of those days, where you wonder about your actions; and if you responded how you should have. Then comes the sweetness of the LORD. Oh, how I love his sweetness. I was reading in My Utmost for His Highest today's devotional entitled "The Greatest Source of Power". "What is the greatest source of power in my life? Is it my work, service, and sacrifice for others, or is it my striving to work for God? It should be none ohese- what ought to exert the greatest power in my life is the atonement of the Lord." Jesus's sweet atonement for me. I can come to Him, ask for forgiveness and He holds me and makes me blameless- sweet forgiveness. There is nothing like it.


Blogger The Cafe Six said...

This made me want to cry. Thank you Lynn. Have you noticed that you are an instrument for Christ even online? Your thoughts seem to always speak to me, and for that, I am truely grateful!
God Bless YOU!

10:47 PM  

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