Sunday, January 27, 2008


So I feel like the LORD was wanting me to write my revelations, well, really His revelations about similarities of babies to when one becomes a Christian. I get the wonderful opportunity to work with and observe many babies as my vocation. Then today in church we talked about babies- how babies don't know how to talk or act. That may be true with someone young in their faith- they may communicate things that are not healthy. At work my coworkers have been sharing their experiences during their pregnancy. Quite interesting, that they said their milk did not come in until the birth of their baby and then bam- the milk arrived in a huge quanity. I was thinking of the spiritual parallels- that it is IMPERATIVE when people become new believers that they get fed- and get fed a lot! When I speak of "fed" I mean to receive the Word/the Bible. That's how we will grow- through His Word! I love to feed on His Word- it's so nourishing, which leads me to my next point. Breast milk is FILLED with noutrients! It's from the Mama herself. We talked at Bible Study that people who have cancer can purchase breast milk as a healing remedy. Very interesting. I never knew this! So hopefully I will remember more and continue to write revelations on this topic.


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