Saturday, February 02, 2008

Being Clipped

I guess you could say I'm on a blogging kick these days....three days in a row...I don't think this has happened for awhile :) Hopefully you are enjoying my posts as much as I'm writing I think probably no one is even reading this...ha,ha. Two Weds ago I gave my testimony at youth night at church. Actually, I was inspired by a man named Tom Cole who was a speaker at OneThing who gave his testimony and his realness made me want to jump up and down- literally. I tell you what- I absolutely LOVE realness- I love when people are vulnerable and are just transparent and know that they can be that way because their identity is in Jesus! Jesus You are my refuge- You allow me to be real because I am safe in You! Well, at the end of my testimony I handed out flowers as a tangible reminder to the youth- of..what are you planting into your soul? Are you planting weeds (lies) or flowers (the Word)? God wants us to have beautiful gardens growing in our soul- His Word is living and active! Well- side note- God lead me to get the flowers at Krogers- go God! On sale- beautiful flowers. One of the bunches were crazy daisies! I didn't realize that by putting in food coloring, the flower will absorb it in its stem and then go out through the petals. One of the ladies told me this at church and that by cutting the bottom of the stem it will flourish. So, I've had my C-razy daisy for a week, and I thought- I'm going to clip the bottom of it. When I did this, the food coloring came out and tainted the water. God revealed how this relates to humility. When I clip myself, even though it may not be pretty- may hurt- it will be for my benefit. Then as I clipped my crazy daisy and saw the tainted water I thought of my Jesus- how His blood was shed for me- it was humility. "Jesus came to bring humility back to earth, to make us partakers of it, and by it to save us. His humility became our salvation. His salvation our humility. " Andrew Murray Ahh humility- truly I love this attribute. It's an attribute that I so appreciate in others and realize that I need more of it in myself.


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