Hmmm Volleyball :)
This past week I served as a cook for our local church camp, Tar Hollow. Wow, cooking for 240+ plus people is a job I had never done; of course I was not the only cook, and needed lots of direction on what needed to be done! I have much to say about the camp; however, this entry is going to be more specific to one incident: volleyball. On Sunday morning, the day after returning I found myself reflecting on being on the volleyball team. When I state these things I am not knocking myself- that is my disclaimer- I'm using this as an example. I had to chuckle as I was asked to play on what was to be the championship winning team. I am not a volleyball player; I have difficulties with even serving. Again I chuckled inside as people may have thought I look like a volleyball player. In junior high I loved volleyball and wanted to be on the team, but got cut. After that I really didn't play much volleyball. Since I hadn't been to Tar Hollow in 3 years I met some new people. Since I run, I have more of an athletic build; however, I was thinking on Sunday morning that does not equate to that I am a good volleyball player. I began to think about this simile with Christianity. We may have been trained in the Word, just like my muscles have been trained; however, if we are not exercising those muscles in the designated sport it really doesn't amount to much. I was equating this to outreach- the importance of actually playing the game, putting things into practice- working together as a team. Romans 12 continued to come to my mind even after camp, as Romans 12:2 was the theme verse for the week. As I read it again over the weekend the word exercise really stuck out to me- "Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;
7 if service in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching;
8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality;he who leads with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. "Serve em up" ha, ha let's literally serve others :)