Peanut Butter Pie
Yumm! I love peanut butter pie from Night Sky, which is in Troy. Let me tell you, I've had most of their desserts and I do believe the peanut butter pie is my recommendation. First it's so tasty and second it is so big! Yumm. Can you tell I like sweets? So, I got myself a piece to go, asked for a plastic fork and started to eat it in the car. Now, I know that I shouldn't be trying to accomplish this in the car- especially since I drive a stick shift, but over the years I've become somewhat coordinated. However, when driving, all of a sudden my peanut butter pie fell onto my emergency break- don't be alarmed; I was able to retrieve it. The cool whip topping left its mark on my emergency break. After getting home, I went in and placed the little remaining pie in my fridge. The next day, I tried cleaning the topping with a kleenex- but it didn't come off, because it had hardened. And there is no excuse, I still need to clean it. But then God revealed to me- this is like sin- stick with me here. I've had good intentions of cleaning the cool whip, but it hasn't happened. Sin can be the same way- it's there and we may have good intentions of confessing it- or trying to "change" ourselves, but really the only way we are going to get rid of it- is to confess it to God and then even to others. The freedom that Jesus brings- that He is the one always with open arms for forgiveness. I love the parable story of the Prodigal Son and how the father was looking for him in a distance and came running to him when we spotted him from afar and embraced him. The joy that filled that father's heart. This is the heart of our Heavenly Father- He wants us to come back to Him. Jesus has allowed us to continually come to our Father- He has made us clean. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. Thank You LORD for your faithfulness and Your faithful love and abundant redemption. That pumps my heart!!! So, if you need to confess sin to Him today- come, tell Him your sin and ask for His forgiveness- He's waiting with open arms to embrace You and to clean You up through His Son- it's refreshing and good for our soul.