Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yellow Bananas

So- I have to write real quick as every Thursday I go to Sidney Foodtown b/c the bananas are 18 cents a pound. And as you read from my previous post I like bananas! Since I go after work, usually the only bananas that are left are green ones- which is fine. But today....guess what....there were yellow bananas today. You make me smile Lord.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cry Out to Jesus

Monday, February 25, 2008

Good Gravy- LORD, I can't get over You!!!!!!!!!!

OK- so a little while ago I was doing a study in Genesis about worship and while I was reading I thought I had read one of the LORD"s names- Jehovah Shammah- the God who hears. Literally- I believed my eyes to have read this statement in a sidenote in my Bible. But when I went back to read it I could not find it. This disturbed me and I also had told multiple people about this. I found out that Jehovah Shammah means God is there. Well tonight........I'm getting giddy as I'm about to write this: I read Psalm 106:44 tonight; which says: Nevertheless He looked upon their distress, when He heard their cry. Heard in the Hebrew means to hear (perceive by ear). Heard in the Hebrew is shama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally have screamed; I can't get over my God's kindness to me. He hears my cry! As I read tonight in Genesis with Hagar- the angel of the LORD told her to name her child Ishmael- God hears. God You hear! You are gracious- when we call out in our distress. Oh, how I am soo grateful for You; Your lovingkindess is great- You know my heart and how I love to be listened to- thank You that this is Your attribute!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

You Never Let Go

I've been walking with the Lord for over 10 years, but I still go through times, where I feel like my world can be turned upside down as I process through different issues. As I process these things-I'm brought to the foundation: Jesus! That's where I always need to be. When you process things- does doubt deceitfully creep in- I know this is true for me. Doubt for me breeds sadness. So- it's time to pull out the shield of faith- it's time to get out the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God- for this kind of sadness the one equated with doubt is not what we've been created for. So: Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. Yes- I want to rejoice in my LORD! That's a God thing to suffer and rejoice- but Jesus You have the victory- sin is gone- yes, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice- Your kingdom is here- You are inside Your children who are more than conquerors through you- more than conquerors! What I love about my LORD, my covenant LORD, is that He is after my heart, He's after yours too. Not 50%, not 89%, not 99.99%, He's after it all! I love that He wants all of my heart- yes LORD- and He will go about it any way He chooses because He jealously wants me, us. You never let go. I extol You today my LORD!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Psalm 46:10

The LORD amazes me- yes- be still and know that I am God. Wow! God wants me (us- His children) to know that He is God. He is TRUSTWORTHY. Oh, Soul, would you truly believe that today b/c it IS truth. My LORD cracks me up- as I've dreamt about this pslam, I've heard it in a song, I saw it in a picture yesterday and what was the caption today for Utmost for His Highest- but Psalm 46:10.

February 22- From My Utmost for His Highest
Perseverance is more than endurance. It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen. Perseverance means more than just hanging on, which may be only exposing our fear of letting go and falling. Perseverance is our supreme effort of refusing to believe that our hero is going to be conquered. Our greatest fear is not that we will be damned, but that somehow Jesus Christ will be defeated. Also, our fear is that the very things our Lord stood for— love, justice, forgiveness, and kindness among men— will not win out in the end and will represent an unattainable goal for us. Then there is the call to spiritual perseverance. A call not to hang on and do nothing, but to work deliberately, knowing with certainty that God will never be defeated.

If our hopes seem to be experiencing disappointment right now, it simply means that they are being purified. Every hope or dream of the human mind will be fulfilled if it is noble and of God. But one of the greatest stresses in life is the stress of waiting for God. He brings fulfillment, "because you have kept My command to persevere . . ." ( Revelation 3:10 ).

Continue to persevere spiritually.

Monday, February 18, 2008


So I've been into words lately!! Love it! So I found this word on my myspace account- curious, I had no idea what it meant. So off to I went. Here is what I found out:
ob·se·qui·ous /əbˈsikwiəs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhb-see-kwee-us
1. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow.
2. servilely compliant or deferential: obsequious servants.
3. obedient; dutiful.

As I looked at fawn- I thought- I don't know this word either- off to another word search. Here is what I found out:
1. To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing.
2. To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.

Yes- Lord- this is what I want!!!!!!!!!!! May I be servantly obeying you- I do want to exhitbit affection and worship you by obeying you- to please You in all of my ways.

He is such a good Daddy! I am so blessed by Him. Hallelujah; Be at rest my soul!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Waiting on God

I love when the Lord teaches me new things and I'm now in a season of whole new terrority! Wow! much to talk about on this subject! In the US- truly we don't have to wait for anything- nuke it, fast food, fast forward, google it! Now, I have to say I am thankful for these ammenities! But, I am one that is impatient. In the past I'll be waiting in line in Krogers and finding myself impatient. Waiting- to be honest- I can get irritated in waiting! But, God has been showing me that there is gooooooooood that is in waiting on Him! So He's been giving me wonderful examples of waiting and the implications that result in rushing. So first- let's take bananas. So, if I have some green bananas, I have to wait for them to get to that nice shade of yellow- which is how I like my banana :) if I don't wait- I get to eat the crunchy green banana. Another example- chocolate chip cookies- yummm! Let's say I have to put them in the oven for 12 minutes for them to be perfect and I am soo impatient that I leave them in for 4 minutes- they will not be done and might even make me sick. Yes, my mama has taught me about salomenlla poisoning :) Then a real crucial example: a baby. If a baby comes early, there are serious implications for that infant's health. There is a reason why the baby is in the womb for 9 months- so that he or she is completely ready. Wow! Aren't those great practical examples. Waiting....My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. Psalm 62:5 Yes, my soul, wait....

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Sunday, February 03, 2008

One Phrase

Absolute Surrender; Confident Expectation

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Being Clipped

I guess you could say I'm on a blogging kick these days....three days in a row...I don't think this has happened for awhile :) Hopefully you are enjoying my posts as much as I'm writing I think probably no one is even reading this...ha,ha. Two Weds ago I gave my testimony at youth night at church. Actually, I was inspired by a man named Tom Cole who was a speaker at OneThing who gave his testimony and his realness made me want to jump up and down- literally. I tell you what- I absolutely LOVE realness- I love when people are vulnerable and are just transparent and know that they can be that way because their identity is in Jesus! Jesus You are my refuge- You allow me to be real because I am safe in You! Well, at the end of my testimony I handed out flowers as a tangible reminder to the youth- of..what are you planting into your soul? Are you planting weeds (lies) or flowers (the Word)? God wants us to have beautiful gardens growing in our soul- His Word is living and active! Well- side note- God lead me to get the flowers at Krogers- go God! On sale- beautiful flowers. One of the bunches were crazy daisies! I didn't realize that by putting in food coloring, the flower will absorb it in its stem and then go out through the petals. One of the ladies told me this at church and that by cutting the bottom of the stem it will flourish. So, I've had my C-razy daisy for a week, and I thought- I'm going to clip the bottom of it. When I did this, the food coloring came out and tainted the water. God revealed how this relates to humility. When I clip myself, even though it may not be pretty- may hurt- it will be for my benefit. Then as I clipped my crazy daisy and saw the tainted water I thought of my Jesus- how His blood was shed for me- it was humility. "Jesus came to bring humility back to earth, to make us partakers of it, and by it to save us. His humility became our salvation. His salvation our humility. " Andrew Murray Ahh humility- truly I love this attribute. It's an attribute that I so appreciate in others and realize that I need more of it in myself.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Counselor, O Counselor!

Father, first I have to praise You and say thank You for letting me have a day off today! Another day to rest- which is so appropro as I feel like you are teaching me lots in the area of resting and waiting. Your counsel is like no other- thank You! Thank You this morning that You counseled me- even when I was ready to speak and thought I was right in speaking. Yet, I could hear Your voice counseling me, not to speak....and because I heeded Your beautiful voice You blessed me. Holy Spirit- thank You!!!

So to any readers out there- I need your prayers as I am helping a friend tomorrow with an auction and believe me- I'm no auction attender- well, I've been to two- but find them kind of confusing. So, Holy Spirit give me ears to hear correctly and wisdom beyond my years when it comes to auctions and understanding. You are My Helper- I do look to You- for where does my Help come from?
God the Help of Those Who Seek Him
Psalm 121
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills--
From whence comes my help?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.

3 He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.

4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand.

6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.

8 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.